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Some Interesting Personal Essay Topics
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Dec 10, 2021
Essay on "Beauty" It is impossible to describe the word "beauty" in one sentence or one word. After all, each person can give his or her own particular meaning or description of beauty. For some it is the appearance of a person, for others it is nature, for others it is art. At any time check my blog for fresh article. Beauty is a concept without a specific definition. The beauty of nature is in its domain - mountains, rivers, forests, inhabitants, landscapes. A person's beauty is a trim body, a pleasant face, the color of his hair, his rich inner world. Each person can give his or her own particular understanding of beauty. For me, beauty cannot be described by mere words or emotions, beauty cannot be felt or touched, beauty can only be felt with the soul. But I can say for sure that those objects, things, or words that bear evil in their essence are definitely not beauty for me. Well, a sword can't carry beauty in itself, no matter how it's encrusted with precious stones. A sword is a weapon that once took or will take human life in the future. A man who is beautiful outwardly, but who has not good intentions in his soul or solid negativity, bitterness, will never be beautiful to me. You can click here now and search for the useful info. Undoubtedly, mountains, forests, seas and rivers filled with fresh air are beautiful for many people. But for me, the beautiful places are the places where my soul can truly rest, where my heart beats peacefully and my thoughts flow in the right direction. Friend, why not try here and make your homework perfect. And beauty does not lie in something big and immense, but rather in the smallest things. In the first flower that woke up in early spring after a cold winter, in the first steps of a puppy or kitten. Beauty in the eyes of a happy loved one. Beauty in the brilliant, tear-filled eyes of a mother filled with joy and pride. Beauty in acts of kindness and nobility. Beauty is all around us, we just have to learn to feel it. More information: How to unravel the mystery of a police story? Functions of dialogue How to do verbal conducting correctly? Suspense versus Threa Detailed guide of an argumentative-argumentative text
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