If this MS Office error 1713 occurs on your device, then this will stop MS Office software from installing in your device. So in this video you will know "how to fix office error 1713 on window 10".
Error 1713 often arises due to an existing or remnants of a previous Office installation that needs removing. So, try uninstalling an existing MS Office suite with Advanced Uninstaller PRO, or another third-party uninstaller, by clicking Try for free on this webpage.
Add Advanced Uninstaller PRO to Windows with its installer.
Open the Advanced Uninstaller PRO window.
Click General Tools and Uninstall Programs to open the window shown directly below.
Uninstall Programs window how to fix error 1713 windows 10
Select the MS Office suite, and click the Uninstall button.
Click the Use the leftover scanner option, which will enable users to delete all leftover files and registry entries for MS Office.
The Use the leftover scanner option how to fix error 1713 windows 10
Click the Yes button to confirm.
Thereafter, select all the leftover files and registry entires listed within the Advanced uninstall clean-up window.
Press the Done button.
Users who have already uninstalled an MS Office suite can try reinstalling it and then uninstalling it with third-party software.
1. Thoroughly Uninstall Previous Office Software
Error 1713 often arises due to an existing or remnants of a previous Office installation that needs removing. So, try uninstalling an existing MS Office suite with Advanced Uninstaller PRO, or another third-party uninstaller, by clicking Try for free on this webpage.
Add Advanced Uninstaller PRO to Windows with its installer.
Open the Advanced Uninstaller PRO window.
Click General Tools and Uninstall Programs to open the window shown directly below.
Uninstall Programs window how to fix error 1713 windows 10
Select the MS Office suite, and click the Uninstall button.
Click the Use the leftover scanner option, which will enable users to delete all leftover files and registry entries for MS Office.
The Use the leftover scanner option how to fix error 1713 windows 10
Click the Yes button to confirm.
Thereafter, select all the leftover files and registry entires listed within the Advanced uninstall clean-up window.
Press the Done button.
Users who have already uninstalled an MS Office suite can try reinstalling it and then uninstalling it with third-party software.
I hope these steps will be helpful!
Mark Wilson